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Endovascular Hemorrhage Control in Combat Casualties: Best Practices, Technology, and Training Harmonization

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Aortic Occlusion, Endovascular Resuscitation, Hemorrhage Control, REBOA


: Non-compressible Torso Hemorrhage (NCTH) is a leading cause of death for NATO combat casualties. NATO militaries developed and implemented a countermeasure/treatment, Resuscitative Endovascular Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA). This technique is used to treat both military and civilian trauma patients, with many NATO militaries using the same REBOA device. Several NATO member nations have developed best practices, provider qualification standards, and training programs. NATO member nations collaborate when deploying medical treatment capabilities to conflict zones, necessitating interoperability and coordination to execute synchronous care of critically injured service members. This ET will research existing military REBOA devices, best practice guidelines (BPGs), and training courses to identify opportunities for improved harmonization of Science and Technology, Training, Leadership and Education, and Interoperability.


Several NATO member militaries invested significant research and development (R&D) into improved materiel in this space. REBOA’s major limitation is time-limited application due to mounting distal ischemic injury. REBOA deprives the kidneys and intestines of blood supply, which limits its use to 30-60 minutes. This challenge severely constrains military use of REBOA. Military R&D has resulted in next-generation REBOA devices designed to overcome extend the safe occlusion time. Changes in device design significantly extend the therapeutic window for treating patients with NCTH, dramatically increasing the opportunity to save the lives of combat casualties. The ET will research real-world data to assess the impact of novel REBOA devices and the potential for related Science and Technology (S&T), Changes to Doctrine, Training, Leadership and Education, and Interoperability. This ETwill determine if a Research Technology Group is warranted.


Resuscitative Endovascular Occlusion of the Aorta Military Resuscitative Endovascular Occlusion of the Aorta Partial Resuscitative Endovascular Occlusion of the Aorta Resuscitative Endovascular Occlusion of the Aorta training

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